We know how to respond precisely to this condition. Our specialist department for Electrical System Engineering offers you a complete service range from planning, installing and commissioning your control and electronic systems through to service and maintenance. We always use state of the art to implement your requirements on efficiency and profitability.
Our engineers and technicians develop our own processors, high-quality open-loop control systems, closed-loop control systems and units as well as control cabinets, switching systems for special machinery, assembly systems and handling systems for automation. We offer all of the above for extending existing plants or equipping new plants — Don´t hesitate to contact our staff to see how we can help you with your specific application. Through our many years of experience we can ensure that deadlines and budgets are met. We make binding statements on the implementation and integration of modules and systems made in our factory. And we offer a good price/performance ratio.
Our portfolio of system visualization based on process control systems is particularly interesting. Due to our comprehensive range we are specialized contact partners for the industrial and public sectors. With our network of service partners and the latest online plant monitoring systems we offer reliable products and services worldwide.
Our range at a glance:
- Our own electric diagrams on CAD
- PLC programs
- CNC programs
- Control cabinet design (special machinery)
- System optimization
- Update and extension of existing plants
- Retrofitting of tool monitoring systems
- Our complete service comprises planning, design, production, final assembly, commissioning and maintenance.
Depending on the project requirements we offer complete turnkey automation technology including electrical planning and engineering, software development, implementation of visualization and process control systems.
Our services also comprise:
- Drive technology applications
- Software development
- Software creation for programmable logic controllers (PLC)
- Positioning systems
- Bus systems
- Visualization systems
- High-level languages for PC applications
- Integration into process control systems
- Recording of measurement data
- Robot programming
- Engineering with Eplan CAE system
- Production of control desks, components and centers
Comprehensive consulting and developing solution variants at your site — with you or in close cooperation with you and your team — is part of our philosophy. The outcomes are systems of maximum reliability, which can be completely integrated into an existing system environment.

Your direct contact
Our experts will be glad to
provide extensive advice!
Mr. Specker
Phone: +49 (0) 7467-91030 -32