You are looking for systems for all major surface finishing processes that meet the highest demands and deliver optimum results? Our product range comprises units for: automated deburring, brushing, fettling, grinding, polishing, and scotching. We design entire installations, supply stand-alone machines, and implement complete handling systems for complex applications and work processes. We plan – specifically & individually – custom-fit to your requirements. Tell us for which of your applications you'd like to see our quotation.
We supply systems for customers in all industries and sectors:
- aircraft industry
- shipbuilding
- tool industry
- automotive industry
- household products
- construction industry, for example for door hardware, lighting appliances, sanitary accessories
- Medical industry, for example for surgical instruments, implants, orthopedic products
We provide support for our products from.... to...

Your direct contact
Our Mr Specker will be glad to
provide extensive advice!
Phone: +49 (0) 7467-91030-32