For workpieces that meet the highest demands: DEBURRING & FETTLING
Reliably and evenly removing the sharp chips, edges, burs and fraying originating from machining or production processes from metallic workpieces is a procedure which greatly benefits from automation.
The application of fully automatic, complex units, which today is the standard in molding and coring, is becoming more and more importing in fettling. Here, DIEMA GmbH offers highly efficient solutions, such as: Workpiece guided or tool guided applications in fully automatic deburring cells.
We design entire plants for you that comprise:
- Fully automatic deburring cells with individually combinable, powerful milling, grinding, and cutting units
- Fully automatic deburring cells with camera systems for automated, independent change-over for differently shaped workpieces in one system

Your direct contact
Our Mr Specker will be glad to
provide extensive advice!
Phone: +49 (0) 7467-91030-32